• Beautiful Northern Sea Oats

    Adoptive planters

    I miss all green. I have a long history of living with plants but not being directly responsible for them. So my experience in 2020 has taught me that plants are not magical…

  • My Most Favorite Focus

    Ideas for a Focused Lifestyle

    Organization has a lot to do with courage and trust: courage to live more simply in order to focus on current needs, and trust that resources will exist to meet future needs. To…

  • Abide.

    If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. John 15: 10 I like this scripture. The phrase “abide in” makes…

  • Sunny day on a summer camping trip

    Random Things vs Chosen Things

    Adding wintery weather to COVIDtime has shown me that my default entertainments are not very filling. Boredom or NothingToDo have become cues for me to seek distraction. I started this day in exactly…

  • When the gloves come off.

    The Ancient Art of Missing People

    We’ve all experienced the pain of missing someone who has died or moved away or grown in a direction separate from our own. It hurts. I don’t know anyone who wants that hurt.…

  • All blogs start somewhere

    My blog still needs direction, but starting a project is the quickest way to clarity. It has been hard for me to start writing in my writing projects. Planning writing is easier than…